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Wisdom Teeth: Pain and Treatment

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars, which typically appear between the ages of 17 and 25. These teeth are directly connected to the jawbone, and when they emerge through the gums, they may face several problems, none of which are of their own making. These include problems such as erupting sideways, coming in crooked and failing to emerge fully. This can cause a lot of pain and damage to the surrounding teeth and gums.

While most people don’t experience any problems with their wisdom teeth, many get them removed. Fortunately, dentists can do this for you, irrespective of the location in which you’re based. For instance, if you happen to reside in Los Angeles, you could consider looking for “most reliable dentists in LA“. In this way, you can take the help of a professional to treat your dental problem. Now, let’s learn more about wisdom teeth and the home remedies you can introduce to live a pain-free life.
Before we get to that point, though, let’s learn more about wisdom teeth, and the home remedies you can introduce to live a pain-free life.

What Does Wisdom Tooth Pain Feel Like?

The pain that can derive from an impacted wisdom tooth can range from a dull ache to sharp pain that radiates around the ear. In severe cases, the tooth can cause the gums around it to swell, causing pain and inflammation, which can be unbearable if you don’t do anything about it.

Home Remedies Wisdom Tooth Pain

If you suffer from wisdom tooth pain, don’t despair. Though you may think that it is easier said than done, there are many tips and tricks you can try if you want to relieve any pain that you have concerning these teeth.

Let’s look at them in more detail.

Numbing gel

One of the best ways to cope with the pain of wisdom teeth is to consider using a numbing gel, that you can purchase over the counter at any medical facility or pharmacy. Once you have applied a small amount to the affected area, you should soon start to lose feeling in the gums, leading to the pain subsiding. It is recommended that you apply it at various times throughout the day.


While some pain relief can be ineffective when it comes to your wisdom teeth, you will be glad to know that Ibuprofen happens to be the perfect remedy for this particular type of pain. Put simply, it works by reducing swelling and pain, and it’s also non-addictive. However, don’t take ibuprofen on an empty stomach or with other medications, as it can reduce their effectiveness.

Ice pack

The number one remedy recommended by dentists is ice packs. So, if your tooth is throbbing, you can ease the pain by simply applying a chilled ice pack to the affected wisdom tooth and surrounding jaw. Just make sure the ice pack stays in contact with the affected area for 10 to 15 minutes at a time, as this will have the most impact.

Saltwater rinses

Some dentists recommend having your wisdom teeth extracted to prevent potential infection. But others may suggest rinsing your mouth with salt water to reduce swelling. If you take this route, it is important to note that it is safe to swallow, and though it may cause minor irritation to your gums, it doesn’t cause infection.


Surprisingly, cloves can help reduce inflammation and pain caused by wisdom teeth. They are known to contain an ingredient called eugenol which can act as a numbing agent, while also reducing any inflammation and relieving you of your pain. You should only do this for a maximum of 15 minutes at a time.


If your wisdom teeth are causing you pain and swelling, try using an onion. This dental home remedy is cheap and easy and is proven to help. Onions, rich in anti-inflammatory properties, can help relieve toothache pain and reduce the swelling around the tooth.

Tea bags

To use tea bags as a home remedy, a person should make a cup of tea and put the cup in the fridge with the tea bag left in it. Once the tea is cold, the tea bag can be taken out and placed inside the mouth where the pain is located.

How Long Does Wisdom Tooth Pain Last?

We’ve all been told that wisdom teeth are an annoyance at best and a painful nuisance at worst. But how long does wisdom tooth pain last?

Wisdom tooth pain can be miserable. It is painful, but it can disrupt your daily routine and make for a pretty tough day. After all, when you feel like you can’t smile, it’s hard to feel good about yourself. That’s why it’s advisable to reach out to a dental clinic, like Montrose Family Dentist office, as soon as possible if you are experiencing wisdom tooth pain that home remedies just can’t seem to ease. Getting professional care can make all the difference in finding relief and getting back to feeling like yourself again.

Most of the time, the discomfort from a wisdom tooth typically lasts for a few days as it begins to emerge. However, the pain can be most intense when the tooth first starts coming in, potentially causing discomfort for a few weeks before subsiding. It’s important not to ignore persistent pain, especially if it becomes unbearable.

If you’re experiencing wisdom tooth pain, it’s important to know that while it often gets better on its own, waiting too long to see a dentist can make matters worse. If the pain becomes unbearable or starts interfering with your daily life, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional help. Your dentist can assess the situation, offer treatment options, and ease your discomfort. Remember, your dentist is there to support you and ensure your oral health and well-being, so don’t be afraid to seek assistance when you need it.